Monday, April 22, 2013

R~ Reality

It's NO chemo Monday! HOWEVER, it is TEST WEEK...This is probably one of the most difficult, nerve racking and important weeks of my life. This week we will learn the reality of where things are. Is the chemo working? What are the next steps?
 On Wednesday I will have a CT scan and muga (heart) scan, Friday I will have a PET scan, labs and meeting with my oncologist. All of these tests require some difficult preparations, drinking 2 bottles of awful contrast, fasting, no caffeine...that one always gets me! And lots of needles!
 Your prayer support for this difficult week ahead of us is GREATLY appreciated. I am trying to focus on all the positive and your encouragement along with prayers will certainly help. Thank you for praying with us this week as we wait with great hope and faith for answers.
This is our reality.


Maryann said...

Will be praying Elayne

Unknown said...

Prayers headed your way!!

Faith Laces said...

Praying for you!

o2bhiking said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers. A co-worker of my wife learned last week that her breast cancer has come back. after 5 years and 2 months in remission, it is in her spine. So this is awful stuff. Stay strong and positive.

Ronni Gordon said...

No caffeine! Ugh. Thinking of you.


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