Saturday, April 9, 2011

H~ Home

Spring 2011
 Once again, I had a different topic I was going to write about today but as the day when on and my husband and I worked in our yard, I felt this was better suited for today.
Tomorrow marks the day we moved into our home 13 years ago. At the time, my youngest son was 7 with his 8th birthday just 2 weeks away! I remember setting out their Easter baskets in the kitchen for their first morning and Easter in our new home.
We have watched our kids grow up here, literally going from boys to men. As with any family, we have laughed, cried, celebrated and said good-bye during these past 13 years.
Home has been a place of love and comfort for me. Especially during the difficult times going through all the treatments, surgeries and challenging moments. It is a place of refuge where I feel warm, safe and loved.
There really is no place like HOME!
Winter 2011


Kim said...

Loved your pics...a bit of envy at the nice green trees...ours still haven't budded, yet. Beautiful home, beautiful post!

Claire Goverts said...

Nice use of H, home is a great place. My husband and I are going to hit two years in our house this summer and it's exciting.

o2bhiking said...

Amen to that! Art

Elayne said...

Thanks Kim~ everything has just turned green again! We are in a drought though and need rain badly.

Congrats on your 2 year Home anniversary Claire!

Better is Possible~ yes, defiantly a place of love :)
Thanks for stopping by all from the A-Z challenge and my Virginia friend Art!

エイプリル said...

Really nice post about "home". There's surely no place like it. Nice pics, too!

Found you from the A to Z Challenge.

Elayne said...

Thanks all~ next post for "I" will be an unplanned continuation of "Home".


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