Monday, April 4, 2011

B ~ Blogging, should I or not?

When I received the 2nd diagnosis nearly 4 years ago that the cancer had spread to my bones and was now considered Stage 4 metastatic cancer, I had many decisions to make. One of them being who do we tell and how do we tell everyone without having to say the words over and over again?

My first thought was "No WAY am I going to start a blog"! I guess I didn't want my life to be another sad story. After thinking about it and much consideration, I decided not only would it be a very helpful tool to let everyone know what was/is going on but a great way to seek support, ask for prayer requests and maybe even provide a little healing therapy for me.
It has turned into all of that and more, which i will save to write about in another post during this challenge.

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