Wednesday, April 2, 2014

B- Beginnings

New Beginnings often mean saying goodbye to old places, possessions and sometimes people. As my husband and I work on finding a balance as we are accepting a life we did not plan for, many decisions are being made to help us both live full and rewarding lives without being overloaded with more than we can handle.

How do we make life more manageable? What do we give up and what do we keep? After a long weekend away staying in a lodge at the lake, we began making some of those decisions.

A major one was to give up our camper. This was not easy as it has been our home away from home. We spent five years enjoying our camping adventures. I will admit I shed a few tears that night. I looked so forward to taking my grand babies camping and sharing  the passion I have for nature and the outdoors with them.

With great joy I was able to pass our camper on to one of my sons. He and his growing family can enjoy all the wonderful joys of camping. A new beginning for them as well as for us. And hopefully I will still be able to share this joy with my grandchildren, either in a camper or a cabin. It's the people and the time with them that count the most!

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