Monday, February 8, 2010

Biopsy Results are in~

The biopsy did come back positive for breast cancer. So, even though this cancer is located in the muscle, it is actually breast cancer. Most likely the original cancer continuing to spread. My oncologist has to look at the original pathology report and compare it to this one to be sure. Sometimes you can have a second breast cancer, but most likely this is not.

Disappointed, discouraged, relieved, sad, numb, and unusually calm all at the same time.

I meet with my surgeon this Thursday. The incision looks fine but I have some bruising now and my chest is starting to hurt a bit more. Kind of weird that this feels worse 4 days later.

Next week I meet with the radiologist to discuss beginning radiation again.Then, I meet with my oncologist to discuss whatever it is he is going to discuss with me :)

Chris and I did notice that when I began taking this new drug ( Arimidex) the tumor was beginning to get smaller after just one week. We are hopeful that this is a good match for me. However, it seems to have made my blood pressure rise again so I may have to go back on a BP med. which I am also disappointed about.
We are praying for wisdom & discernment ( for all involved) so the proper treatments will be chosen to put this cancer "back to sleep".


Unknown said...

I don't really know what to say, Elayne, except that I'm sorry to hear the news but glad you are in good hands. Your family and friends will be here for you to see you through this. You are tough and strong; you've beat it once and will beat it again! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

o2bhiking said...

Wow, kind of stunned here. Saddened to learn this, Elayne, but now you know. And it is always better to know because not knowing doesn't change the facts. Put on you warrior paint, because you are just going to have to beat it again. Thinking of you - wish words could help. Art

Elayne said...

Thank you Marshall & Art, it's so nice to know all of you are there :) This is actually my third time to face the beast. 1998- original cancer found. 2007- spread to rib & spine. 2010- pectoral muscle.

Just like Art said, its time to put on the warrior paint! It is a lot easier to fight when you know what you are fighting.

Thanks to both of you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Elayne...

You always inspired me with great motivation to fight on... Your writing tone resonates your spirit and I thank you for commenting in my blog.

We aren't gonna be a quitter, are we?

God bless sis.

Elayne said...

Raden~ no sister, we most defiantly are not!
Thank you for your blog and your kind words!

Anonymous said...


We are not really sure what to say at this time other than to let you know that you, Chris, and the boys are on our hearts. We also know that God is in control and our desire is that the radiation will help alleviate any growth and give you comfort. Please let us know how we can support you during this time. We are praying!

We love you lots!
Billy and Donise

Kims4Him said...

I am stunned also. For whatever reasons, the devil likes to play with God's people. I have him messing in my life for so very long. I have asked why to many pastors and what they said rings true. You must have a strong dedication to God and a huge purpose here on earth. Let nothing stand in the way of that EVER.
That said, I have no doubt in my mind that you will also conquer this cancer, yet again. God loves you way too much.
Stay strong,be faithful and know that there are people all over who are praying hard for you and your family. We will stand before our Father and ask for His healing to be upon you in Him name.
Forever and always to God be the GLory Elayne.
Peace and Blessings.

Marcy O'Hickey said...

My heart is sad to hear that news. I saw this verse and wanted to pass it on to you. I pray the Lord will comfort and encourage your heart as I know He will tonight and in the days to come.

Psalm 18:6
In my distress I called upon the Lord, And cried to my God for help; He heard my voice out of His temple, And my cry for help before Him came into His ears.

CLM said...

I'm so sorry Elayne. I pray that God will give the you and the doctors wisdom to get this gone. Love you. Let me know if you need anything.

Aunt Suzie and Uncle Burt said...

Dear Elayne,
You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers, and although you did not receive the best results,you know that you are such a fighter and your faith and love of life will keep you strong so that you can endure this difficult time and we all know that you will continue to be an incredible inspiration for everyone around you!!
We all love you and hang tough!!!!Please call us if there is anything that we can do to help.
Aunt Suzie and Uncle Burt xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Jonna Wilson said...

Oh Elayne! I'm so sorry to hear this. It's apparent to me that if anyone can fight it, you can! I can't imagine your mixed emotions though. Still praying and am here for you if you need anything!

Anonymous said...


Well I am sorry to hear this news....The hard part is waiting for the darn results.

This darn disease!!! Put one foot in front of the other and face it head on,,,,, you will do it! Your running has taught you how to have determination, strength, and tenacious.

Think of it as a bad case of acne, one pimple at a time....

You can clear it up and this disease is bound to resurface..... but you hit it again...... and keep going... A real inconvience is what I say!!!!!


Armidex is a good drug. I cannot think of any side effects I had with it except, typical menopuase symptons - at an exagerated level. But then that seems to taper off - OK.

Your in my prayers Elayne and Chris.....REMEMBER>>>> THIS IS NOT A DEATH SENTENCE.... only a big in convience.


Noelle said...

Elayne, I just heard and I am sorry about the news. Rest in Him, He is your rock and your salvation. My situation is too new, but I know that it is always a possibility. Psalm 121 " look toward the heavens from where your help comes"



Anonymous said...

Stay strong! Keep the faith and never take your eyes off God. His hand at work in your life is evident. He put that fighting spirit within you that is an inspriration to so many you have touched so keep on keeping on.

Christie M said...

We will keep you in our prayers too. :)

Luke said...

I'll definitely be praying for you. If anyone can beat this, its you and Jesus together (with lots of support and love from family and friends)

Anonymous said...

Hey Dear Friend,
I've purposely been waiting to write. I'll have to admit I got angry when I read the results and thought pretty much on the same lines as Robin feels. (Also said the same word). I'm not even going to say what others have said as far as you being a fighter, I know that you are. You're allowed to feel anything you want to feel. But I will say Elayne, I have always felt close to you, we go way back and you know I will always be here for you to talk to, pray with or just sit and look at (You may not be crazy about that last one, Ha). Hangest thou in there. Always lifting you high. Love you, Diane

Anonymous said...

I had fun today with you Mom! Even though you lifted about half the stuff I was there to help you with. ;) I can't wait for Spring Break and camping! It's going to be fun. I love you! ~Wev

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is definitely shocking news, but one thing I know is this... you have an amazing family, an incredible spirit, and an unshakable faith - these have been and will continue to be the best weapons against this terrible disease.


Lots of love and prayers,

Michelle, Jeff, and "Little Matt"

Daria said...

Elayne, I'm so sorry ... just keep up the fight ... you are not alone.

Anonymous said...

Dear friends--Our hearts goes out to you, again. May you have encouragement, strength, and endurance. And, may the joy of the Lord be your strength, and may He bring you healing! I'll be praying from Baghdad with you and others for complete healing, as will Mindy and the boys from Virginia. We love you. Herb

Elayne said...

Herb~ thank you so much for your note. I appreciate the prayers as we are also praying for your safety in Baghdad and for your family who I am sure miss you very much!
Thank you and all those who are protecting all of us!
So far, I am doing ok. Will update the blog soon. Elayne


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