Monday, November 12, 2012

Going home :)

"Hello friends and family~ I am still sitting here in the hospital with my bunk mate Kevin, hopefully for the last night! All 3 of my doctors have approved me to go home tomorrow! It is a matter of paperwork/insurance now.
I am being released, however I have to go to the hospital everyday for 2 weeks to receive antibiotic iv treatments for pneumonia.  This will begin as soon as I get home and it may take a couple of hours for the treatment.
My docs here do not want me to begin chemo until this is taken care of first. They are contacting my Onc. to share their concerns. Most likely I will begin after these 2 weeks are over.
You all don't know how your prayers and love have carried me thru these past 10 days....thank you! ♥ Elayne"
Yesterday we watched the Cowboys beat the Eagles, ate cookies with Liam and he said my name for the very first time! No-Nah, is how he says it...that was a great moment!

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