Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Jewish Quarter and more...

Another whirlwind day in the beautiful city of Prague! Our day began as we met Stephanie in the city and walked across The Charles Bridge. If it wasn't so crowded it would have made a beautiful place to run.

From there, we ate lunch at a vegetarian restaurant. It was REALLY good and believe it or not our favorite place to eat so far. Chris and I split an eggplant quesidilla and a salad.. oh so good! This place was on a quaint cobblestone street. Just loved it!

Most of today was spent touring the synagogues in the Jewish Quarter.There were a total of 6 plus a cemetery where the bodies are buried 12 deep. We made it through 4 of the synagogues and then it was time for Starbucks! Overall, very interesting. My parents would have loved seeing this. Seeing items like menorahs and dradels from as far back as the 17th century was amazing. Also, to read about the traditions, customs and practices that are still very much in practice today.

The last 2 closed before we made it back to see them so a stop for an ice cream cone, said our good-bye's to Stephanie and then back to Tims.

Tonight, we are eating a light dinner and getting ready to watch a movie. We are so tired :)
To see all the  Pictures from Prague click here!/photo.php?pid=33170091&id=44401295

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