Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tests tomorrow

Tonight I will be spending the night with my friend Donise. She lives close to the hospital and I have to be there early ( without my coffee:) for the first 3 tests.
I will be having a bone scan, chest X-ray and CT scan. Donise will be taking me.

I am doing pretty well with the beta blocker so far. I have noticed that my heart is not racing and having the palpitations nearly like it was before. Also, my blood pressure seems to be dropping even further. So, it does seem to be doing what it is supposed to do. However, I do feel more fatigue now.

One of the meds I am on is causing sleep problems and I usually only sleep about 4-5 hours at night. I then have to take a different medicine to help me get back to sleep. It is quite a balancing act with all these different medications.

I know many of you are praying along with us for these tests over the next 2 weeks. I truly appreciate that. As you can imagine there is a lot of anxiety that comes with having these tests done. Today, I am feeling surprisingly calm. Please pray that I will remain this way tonight and tomorrow. I am looking forward to "girl time" with Donise.

Thanks everyone for your prayers and support! The tests tomorrow begin at 9 am.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nikki and I are praying for ya!!!



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