It is Sunday night and I made it through the first week! I have now had 7 radiation treatments and they are "so far so good". Skin is getting a little pink but not too bad. I felt exhausted all last week and asked the radiologist if I would feel this way so soon from the radiation. He said no. I didn't remember feeling so tired from previous treatments so I thought maybe this is not the time to go vegetarian.So,I ate a big bowl of stew made with Bison meat for dinner and felt much better the next day.Thanks to my friend Dawn for making that. I will just continue with organic meats for now to be sure I am getting enough protein/ iron.
I have successfully taken the Tykerb for week one at 3 pills per day, and 4 pills for the last 4 days. The side effects have been minimal and so far tolerable.On Thursday I will take 5 a day and that is the dose my doctor wants me at.
The dosage on the Beta blocker is so small I don't think it is making me too tired but has brought my BP down some, not as low as I would like to see it.
I am currently taking 6 different medications along with my daily radiation. Trying to balance all these meds, handle side effects and figure out which meds to take when and with or with out food, etc. has definitely been challenging.
There will be one more med. added (Xeloda) which is the chemotherapy.I don't know exactly when yet.My Oncologist is saying 6 months on this treatment as long as all is going well. So, as you can see we are just at the beginning.
My classes and personal training are continuing and I love training these wonderful ladies! I have been continuing to run and walk but no where near the level i wish i was at.
I see my surgeon on Wednesday and assume i will get the ok to lift things again that are heavier than "a gallon of milk".
We truly feel your prayers and several of you have asked for specific things to pray about.
~ that the treatments will be successful
~ for healing both physically and emotionally
~ little to no side effects as the radiation, medication and dosages increase
~for strength & energy
~ for my family as this journey has been long and difficult
Thanks all~