Friday, August 13, 2010

Session 3 of "Little Swimmers"!

Well, summer here in Texas is coming to an end, by the calendar only. As I write this it is 102 degrees outside at 11:30 AM!
With school getting ready to start swimming lessons have come to an end. I finished my 3rd session yesterday with a wonderful group of kids ages 3-10!
My first class was a 3 yr. old class with Josiah, who I taught at the beginning of the summer. He started out in May not wanting to put his face under water. Now... we can't keep that boy above water! What a great little swimmer he has become!
getting the rings and rocket ship
Josiah age 3!

Also in this class was Izzy, who just turned 3! She was very hesitant with this being her first  swim class, but ended up making lots of progress and just has the cutest smile ever! Motor boat was her favorite song to sing:)
Izzy age 3 singing motor boat and practicing her bubbles

Second class was John & Brianna, brother and sister to Izzy. What a sweet family! The thing that stands out the most to me with their lessons was that they did not want to go in the deeper water. As you can see they both had, as Brianna said "conquered their fears"!

The 3rd group were my "girls", Emma, Abigail & August.

They too were lots of fun and getting to work on stroke development with them was for me personally a lot of fun!
They worked on their freestyle...



Flip turns...

And of course diving for rings and sticks while holding their breathe as looong as they could! They were pretty good at this.

All the older kids in group 2 & 3 also learned to tread water, swim to the bottom in the deeper water and practice safety skills such as how to rest when they need to.

It has been a great summer of teaching and I have been blessed to teach and get to know these 21 "Little swimmers"! Sharing the love for water is a joy!
Have a great end  of summer, stay cool, safe and enjoy the water!
Miss Elayne :)


Erika Noelle said...

I love swimming. I remember when you taught me some stuff about swimming. I love to swimm.

Elayne said...

Hey Erika!
I remember that too :) You were a very fast learner and great swimmer, very determined!
Miss you, Luv aunt Elayne

Kims4Him said...

Reminds me of when all my kids were little. I had them in the pool by 3 mos of you can't keep them out of the pool!
Someday I'll have grandkids to teach...not to soon.
Blessings Elayne~


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